The Triple Threat Academy ...

... offers visual and performing art workshops to children.  This includes developing stories, artwork, dance, acting, and voice.  

We make this available virtually and through pop-up theatrical workshops.  The workshops are interactive and enable students to develop and build character on and off the set.

5-Part Creative & Performing Arts Workshop Series

Summer Shenanigans

As a result of the generosity of 'A Wider Circle', we offered 5 performing arts workshops at no cost to our cast members.  Because we were virtual, we reached participants throughout the Washington DC Metropolitan Area and Canada.  

In just 7.5 hours, we had a ball with story telling, dance, singing, and acting.  No experience was required.   


Triple Threat Academy Youth T-Shirt

Gildan - Youth T-shirt 


Get Your eGIFT CARD for someone special !!!

The Triple Threat Academy currently offers mini workshops, pop-up theaters and fundraisers.  Lil' cast members engage in interactive creative arts experiences the enable them to develop and build character on and off the set.   

Get your eGift Card now and redeem it later.  These are great gifts for someone special.  Buy 1 or more.  You'll receive emails with the dates and times of upcoming workshops after you purchase your card.  Simply redeem your card as you register for a session.

Click here to purchase your gift card.